Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Cropping for better Composition



Our composition that are group agreed on was Leading Lines. On the first picture I cropped the picture so the bubbles would be noticed a bit more, cropped the unnecessary people on the other side. The girls pants is striped representing lines and also the back of the picture.   

So on the second picture I cropped the ferris wheel and all the little stands of people. The lines are shown on the street where the palm trees are located. And the top of the cart of the ferris wheel represents leading lines as well. As well I changed the color a bit, it looks like a beach and a nice landscape around the photograph.

1 comment:

  1. Christina,

    Excellent cropping! On the second photo, I had not noticed all the lines until I saw your version. Of course I had seen the lines on top of the Ferris Wheel chair, but I did not notice the street and the palm trees until you cropped the photo and explained the cropping. Great work.

